Wingspan: 63"      Power: .40      Controls: Elevons, Rudder, Throttle

This particular drawing is the only one in my sketch book that was developed here in Oregon. It was developed as a potential BTE kit, and it came close. The prototype was fun to build and it certainly looks nice. Using what was learned with the Spartan Wing, this one was fitted with tricycle landing gear which worked very well. But flight testing revealed a couple of quirks that kept it from going into production. I spent some time making some adjustments and improvements, but didn't quite get it perfect. It's 85% there, but that's just not good enough. An interesting thing that I learned is that no matter what you do with an elliptical wing, everybody will comment that it "looks like a Spitfire." Uh, okay...

Plans for the Elliptica are available. Click here for more info.

Click Here to open an 8-1/2" x 11" PDF file suitable for printing. (136KB)

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