All-Blue Venture 60 Photos

Kate in Iowa, holding grandpa Joe's Venture

Saito .80

"My grand daughter Kate is pretty proud of her new airplane, as you can see...

"What a great flyin' plane.  Mixed flaps with elevator and aileron with rudder. Thanks for a super kit."
Orville in California

OS .61 SF
APC 13x6 Propeller

Covered in Monokote
Larry in ???

num .61XL

"I bought the plane back in early 1997 and finally, finished it, it flew great stock as stock can be,  I had even lost the originaly instructions back when I first started building in in '97. and you sent me more,  THANKS."
Don in Arizona

OS .70 Supass

Plywood Leading Edge

Wing covered with Koverall

Don says he recessed the cockpit floor so a "sensible" pilot would fit.  Maybe he meant "sensual" :-)
Duane in Oregon

Sliding Canopy

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